Buy Aqua Dragons – The Perfect First Pet for Kids

Aqua Dragons are the perfect first pet for kids

Choosing your kids perfect first pet can be difficult. Fear not though. Buy aqua dragons today and teach your children what it feels like to be responsible for a pet. Buy Now

“Dad, can I have a puppy” is the start of an inevitable and slippery slope. If you are not ready to own a dog just yet the there is a cheap, no mess and no hassle option. It is called Aqua Dragons and guess what…they are magic. Watch as they hatch and come to life before your very own eyes!

What is an Aqua Dragon

What is an Aqua Dragon

You may never have heard about Artemia Salina before but I bet you have heard of the more common name, Aqua Dragons. Aqua dragons are a natural phenomenon which come to life before your eyes. The eggs of an Aqua Dragon are able to undergo a period of suspended development called diapause. This means that the eggs can hibernate for years and allow the Aqua Dragons to hatch as they come in to contact with water.

That’s right…these incredible creatures arrive in a packet. You then pour them in to water and within a few days, they are living creatures that your whole family can enjoy.

How long do Aqua Dragons live for?

Aqua Dragons live for up to 90 days. In this time you see them come to life, grow and ultimately die. The death of a pet is a family tragedy. If you have ever said goodbye to a beloved pet then you know this only too well. It is even harder to comprehend as a child. But seeing the complete circle of life with an Aqua Dragon is a great way to teach children about life and death. Another reason why these amazing creatures are the perfect first pet. Buy Aqua Dragons today!